Configure an Ethernet interface as a VLAN trunk
Suppose that a host requires access to two VLANs, both carried by a trunk connected to physical interface eth0. The assigned IP addresses for the host are on VLAN 2 and on VLAN 3.
[+] First install the vlan package if it is not already present:
apt-get install vlan
[+] Turn off network-manager
sudo stop network-manager
[+] Configuring interfaces
vconfig add eth0 <VLAN ID> (you may get a warning message on the first one)
example: vconfig add eth0 101
ifconfig eth0.<VLAN ID> <IP Address>/24 up
example: ifconfig eth0.101 up
ifconfig eth0.<VLAN ID>
Note: If any issues run, ifconfig eth0 up
Note: Specify interface with nmap scanning (nmap -e eth0.101)
Note: You will probably need to add individual routes for each vlan if you want to communicate between vlans, don't rely on your default gateway. (route add)
[+] Remove Configuration
vconfig rem eth0.101