#!/usr/bin/env python
## [Title]: reconscan.py -- a recon/enumeration script
## [Author]: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) -- @SecuritySift
## [Details]:
## This script is intended to be executed remotely against a list of IPs to enumerate discovered services such
## as smb, smtp, snmp, ftp and other.
## [Warning]:
## This script comes as-is with no promise of functionality or accuracy. I strictly wrote it for personal use
## I have no plans to maintain updates, I did not write it to be efficient and in some cases you may find the
## functions may not produce the desired results so use at your own risk/discretion. I wrote this script to
## target machines in a lab environment so please only use it against systems for which you have permission!!
## [Modification, Distribution, and Attribution]:
## You are free to modify and/or distribute this script as you wish. I only ask that you maintain original
## author attribution and not attempt to sell it or incorporate it into any commercial offering (as if it's
## worth anything anyway :)
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
import time
def multProc(targetin, scanip, port):
jobs = []
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=targetin, args=(scanip,port))
def dnsEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected DNS on " + ip_address + ":" + port
if port.strip() == "53":
SCRIPT = "./dnsrecon.py %s" % (ip_address)# execute the python script
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
def httpEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected http on " + ip_address + ":" + port
print "INFO: Performing nmap web script scan for " + ip_address + ":" + port
HTTPSCAN = "nmap -sV -Pn -vv -p %s --script=http-vhosts,http-userdir-enum,http-apache-negotiation,http-backup-finder,http-config-backup,http-default-accounts,http-email-harvest,http-methods,http-method-tamper,http-passwd,http-robots.txt -oN /root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/%s_http.nmap %s" % (port, ip_address, ip_address)
results = subprocess.check_output(HTTPSCAN, shell=True)
DIRBUST = "./dirbust.py http://%s:%s %s" % (ip_address, port, ip_address) # execute the python script
subprocess.call(DIRBUST, shell=True)
#NIKTOSCAN = "nikto -host %s -p %s > %s._nikto" % (ip_address, port, ip_address)
def httpsEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected https on " + ip_address + ":" + port
print "INFO: Performing nmap web script scan for " + ip_address + ":" + port
HTTPSCANS = "nmap -sV -Pn -vv -p %s --script=http-vhosts,http-userdir-enum,http-apache-negotiation,http-backup-finder,http-config-backup,http-default-accounts,http-email-harvest,http-methods,http-method-tamper,http-passwd,http-robots.txt -oX /root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/%s_https.nmap %s" % (port, ip_address, ip_address)
results = subprocess.check_output(HTTPSCANS, shell=True)
DIRBUST = "./dirbust.py https://%s:%s %s" % (ip_address, port, ip_address) # execute the python script
subprocess.call(DIRBUST, shell=True)
#NIKTOSCAN = "nikto -host %s -p %s > %s._nikto" % (ip_address, port, ip_address)
def mssqlEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected MS-SQL on " + ip_address + ":" + port
print "INFO: Performing nmap mssql script scan for " + ip_address + ":" + port
MSSQLSCAN = "nmap -vv -sV -Pn -p %s --script=ms-sql-info,ms-sql-config,ms-sql-dump-hashes --script-args=mssql.instance-port=1433,smsql.username-sa,mssql.password-sa -oX results/exam/nmap/%s_mssql.xml %s" % (port, ip_address, ip_address)
results = subprocess.check_output(MSSQLSCAN, shell=True)
def sshEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected SSH on " + ip_address + ":" + port
SCRIPT = "./sshrecon.py %s %s" % (ip_address, port)
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
def snmpEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected snmp on " + ip_address + ":" + port
SCRIPT = "./snmprecon.py %s" % (ip_address)
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
def smtpEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected smtp on " + ip_address + ":" + port
if port.strip() == "25":
SCRIPT = "./smtprecon.py %s" % (ip_address)
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
print "WARNING: SMTP detected on non-standard port, smtprecon skipped (must run manually)"
def smbEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected SMB on " + ip_address + ":" + port
if port.strip() == "445":
SCRIPT = "./smbrecon.py %s 2>/dev/null" % (ip_address)
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
def ftpEnum(ip_address, port):
print "INFO: Detected ftp on " + ip_address + ":" + port
SCRIPT = "./ftprecon.py %s %s" % (ip_address, port)
subprocess.call(SCRIPT, shell=True)
def nmapScan(ip_address):
ip_address = ip_address.strip()
print "INFO: Running general TCP/UDP nmap scans for " + ip_address
serv_dict = {}
TCPSCAN = "nmap -vv -Pn -A -sC -sS -T 4 -p- -oN '/root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/%s.nmap' -oX '/root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/nmap/%s_nmap_scan_import.xml' %s" % (ip_address, ip_address, ip_address)
UDPSCAN = "nmap -vv -Pn -A -sC -sU -T 4 --top-ports 200 -oN '/root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/%sU.nmap' -oX '/root/scripts/recon_enum/results/exam/nmap/%sU_nmap_scan_import.xml' %s" % (ip_address, ip_address, ip_address)
results = subprocess.check_output(TCPSCAN, shell=True)
udpresults = subprocess.check_output(UDPSCAN, shell=True)
lines = results.split("\n")
for line in lines:
ports = []
line = line.strip()
if ("tcp" in line) and ("open" in line) and not ("Discovered" in line):
while " " in line:
line = line.replace(" ", " ");
linesplit= line.split(" ")
service = linesplit[2] # grab the service name
port = line.split(" ")[0] # grab the port/proto
if service in serv_dict:
ports = serv_dict[service] # if the service is already in the dict, grab the port list
serv_dict[service] = ports # add service to the dictionary along with the associated port(2)
# go through the service dictionary to call additional targeted enumeration functions
for serv in serv_dict:
ports = serv_dict[serv]
if (serv == "http"):
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(httpEnum, ip_address, port)
elif (serv == "ssl/http") or ("https" in serv):
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(httpsEnum, ip_address, port)
elif "ssh" in serv:
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(sshEnum, ip_address, port)
elif "smtp" in serv:
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(smtpEnum, ip_address, port)
elif "snmp" in serv:
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(snmpEnum, ip_address, port)
elif ("domain" in serv):
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(dnsEnum, ip_address, port)
elif ("ftp" in serv):
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(ftpEnum, ip_address, port)
elif "microsoft-ds" in serv:
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(smbEnum, ip_address, port)
elif "ms-sql" in serv:
for port in ports:
port = port.split("/")[0]
multProc(httpEnum, ip_address, port)
print "INFO: TCP/UDP Nmap scans completed for " + ip_address
# grab the discover scan results and start scanning up hosts
print "############################################################"
print "#### RECON SCAN ####"
print "#### A multi-process service scanner ####"
print "#### http, ftp, dns, ssh, snmp, smtp, ms-sql ####"
print "############################################################"
if __name__=='__main__':
f = open('results/exam/targets.txt', 'r') # CHANGE THIS!! grab the alive hosts from the discovery scan for enum
for scanip in f:
jobs = []
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=nmapScan, args=(scanip,))