Title: Dirty COW (CVE-2016-5195) is a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux KernelAuthor: ajayverma
Why is it called the Dirty COW bug?
"A race condition was found in the way the Linux kernel's memory subsystem handled the copy-on-write (COW) breakage of private read-only memory mappings. An unprivileged local user could use this flaw to gain write access to otherwise read-only memory mappings and thus increase their privileges on the system."

Note: if you experience crashes or locks, turning off periodic writeback makes exploit stable.
echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs
Link Usage Description Family
--- --- --- ---
[dirtyc0w.c](https://github.com/dirtycow/dirtycow.github.io/blob/master/dirtyc0w.c) `./dirtyc0w file content` Read-only write /proc/self/mem
[cowroot.c](https://gist.github.com/rverton/e9d4ff65d703a9084e85fa9df083c679) `./cowroot` SUID-based root /proc/self/mem
[dirtycow-mem.c](https://gist.github.com/scumjr/17d91f20f73157c722ba2aea702985d2) `./dirtycow-mem` libc-based root /proc/self/mem
[pokemon.c](https://github.com/dirtycow/dirtycow.github.io/blob/master/pokemon.c) `./d file content` Read-only write PTRACE_POKEDATA
[dirtycow.cr](https://github.com/xlucas/dirtycow.cr) `dirtycow --target --string --offset` Read-only write /proc/self/mem
[dirtyc0w.c](https://github.com/timwr/CVE-2016-5195) `./dirtycow file content` Read-only write (Android) /proc/self/mem
[dirtycow.rb](https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/7476) `use exploit/linux/local/dirtycow` and `run` SUID-based root /proc/self/mem
[0xdeadbeef.c](https://github.com/scumjr/dirtycow-vdso) `./0xdeadbeef` vDSO-based root PTRACE_POKEDATA
[naughtyc0w.c](https://gist.github.com/mak/c36136ccdbebf5ecfefd80c0f2ed6747) `./c0w suid` SUID-based root /proc/self/mem
[c0w.c](https://gist.github.com/KrE80r/42f8629577db95782d5e4f609f437a54) `./c0w` SUID-based root PTRACE_POKEDATA
[dirty_pass[...].c](https://gist.github.com/ngaro/05e084ca638340723b309cd304be77b2) `./dirty_passwd_adjust_cow` /etc/passwd based root /proc/self/mem
[mucow.c](https://gist.github.com/chriscz/f1aca56cf15cfb7793db0141c15718cd) `./mucow destination < payload.exe` Read-only write (multi page) PTRACE_POKEDATA
[cowpy.c](https://github.com/nowsecure/dirtycow) `r2pm -i dirtycow` Read-only write (radare2) /proc/self/mem
[dirtycow.fasm](https://github.com/sivizius/dirtycow.fasm) `./main` SUID-based root /proc/self/mem
[dcow.cpp](https://github.com/gbonacini/CVE-2016-5195) `./dcow` /etc/passwd based root /proc/self/mem
[dirtyc0w.go](https://github.com/mengzhuo/dirty-cow-golang/blob/master/dirtyc0w.go) `go run dirtyc0w.go -f=file -c=content` Read-only write /proc/self/mem
[dirty.c](https://github.com/FireFart/dirtycow/blob/master/dirty.c) `./dirty` /etc/passwd based root PTRACE_POKEDATA
[Dirty COW Tester](https://github.com/sideeffect42/DirtyCOWTester) `make && ./bin/dct` Read-only write /proc/self/mem
[exploit.c](https://github.com/hyln9/VIKIROOT) `./exploit` vDSO-based root (Android) PTRACE_POKEDATA
[cowcron.c](https://github.com/securifera/cowcron) `./cowcron` /etc/cron.hourly based root (RHEL) PTRACE_POKEDATA

List of PoCs

Allows user to write on files meant to be read only.
Gives the user root by overwriting `/usr/bin/passwd` or a suid binary.
Gives the user root by patching libc's getuid call and invoking `su`.
Allows user to write on files meant to be read only.
Allows a user to write on files meant to be read only.
Allows user to write on files meant to be read only (android).
Metasploit module based on the `cowroot` PoC.
Gives the user root by patching the vDSO escapes containers/SELinux doesn't need suid.
Gives the user root by injecting shellcode into a SUID file.
Gives the user root by injecting shellcode into a SUID file using PTRACE_POKEDATA .
Gives the user root by replacing /etc/passwd
Allows user to write on files meant to be read only. Supports writing to multiple pages, not just the first
Allows the user to write on files meant to be read only, implemented as a radare2 IO plugin.
Gives the user root by injecting shellcode into a SUID file. implemented for amd64 in flatassembly.
Gives the user root by replacing /etc/passwd
Allows user to write on files meant to be read only. implemented for arm32/x86/amd64 in Golang faster than c implement.
Generates a new password hash on the fly and modifies /etc/passwd automatically. Just run and pwn.
Runs exploit and tells user if his system is vulnerable by writing to a read-only file (usually /tmp/dirtycow_test). Also has a --no-root option that does not require superuser.
Android M init injection via vDSO.
Overwrites comment line in cron.hourly script with user defined script to gain root.

Submitted On: 2019-05-16 16:23:02