The amazing netcat, used for so many fantastic things. If you’re learning the basics of penetration testing look into this tool inside out.
Connect to a TCP Port
nc -nv <IP Address> <Port>
Listen on a TCP Port
nc -lvp <port>
Connect and receive a HTTP Page
nc -nv <IP Address> 80
Score: 0
Once a meterpreter shell is obtained on a system a larger range of options is available to the Penetration Tester for accessing the system. In a hypothetical scenario the victim is running a vulnerable mail server on port 25, and we have a remote exploit we wish to use against it. Unfortunately for us it’s behind a firewall. After getting a meter...
Score: 0
Port forwarding can be one of the more confusing aspects of pivoting between machines and networks. Both remote and local SSH forwarding can be even more confusing in the sense it matters who is initiating the connection, and who the destination server is. I’ll run through local port forwarding here, and in a seperate page, cover remote forwardin...
Score: 0
Port forwarding can be one of the more confusing aspects of pivoting between machines and networks. Both remote and local SSH forwarding can be even more confusing in the sense it matters who is initiating the connection, and who the destination server is. I’ll run through remote port forwarding here, and in a seperate page, cover local forwardin...
Score: 0
SSH is fantastic for port redirection in a lot of cases, but what if you want to set up a redirection of incoming and outgoing ports without the hassle of setting up SSH servers? Rinetd is a great program that will let you do this.
Rinetd –
[Linux Download]
[Windows Download] http://www...
Score: 0
Enumeration is the key.
(Linux) privilege escalation is all about:
Collect - Enumeration, more enumeration and some more enumeration.
Process - Sort through data, analyse and prioritisation.
Search - Know what to search for and where to find the exploit code.
Adapt - Customize the exploit, so it fits. Not every exploit work for every system ...
Score: 0
#A script to enumerate local information from a Linux host
version="version 0.96"
#help function
usage ()
echo -e "\n\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
echo -e "\e[00;31m#\e[00m" "\e[00;33mLocal Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalat...
Score: 0
#!/usr/env python
## [Title]: -- a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script
## [Author]: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) -- @SecuritySift
Score: 1
In pen testing a huge focus is on scripting particular tasks to make our lives easier. As a result I need to call special attention to some fantastic privilege escalation scripts at pentest monkey and rebootuser which I’d highly recommend.
This tool is great at running through a heap of things you ...
Score: 0
The windows passwords can be accessed in a number of different ways. The most common way would be via accessing the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) file and obtaining the system passwords in their hashed form with a number of different tools. Alternatively passwords can be read from memory which has the added benefit of recovering the passwords in ...
Score: 0